3 April, 2024


ORSHIN components’ Secure Development Life Cycle workshop
4th September 2024 – Halifax (Canada) Affiliated event to CHES 2024
(Conference on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems)

Organized as a part of CHES, and held in-person as a half-day CHES affiliated event, the workshop is focused on secure development life cycles for open-source software and hardware. It will include a mixture of invited and submitted presentations.
We invite submission of presentation proposals on topics including, but not limited to, any of the following:
Open-source software and hardware
Secure development life cycles
Secure and privacy preserving protocols (inter and intra devices)
Formal verification of security properties
Security audits and tests
Submissions should be in the form of an extended abstract of max. 1 page, excluding references. Submissions should include a title, a list of authors and affiliations, a list of keywords and a bibliography. Please, send it at orshsec2024@gmail.com in pdf format.

Important dates
Abstract submission deadline: 25th May, 2024 23:59:59 Anywhere on Earth (AoE)
Notification of acceptance: 4th June, 2024

Invited speakers
To be announced

Please register with the CHES conference to attend the workshop.

Workshop co-chairs
Guido Bertoni, Security Pattern, Italy
Benedikt Gierlichs, KULeuven, Belgium
Daniele Antonioli, Eurecom, France
Maria Chiara Molteni, Security Pattern, Italy

Related links
The annual Conference on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems (CHES) is the premier venue for research on design and analysis of cryptographic hardware and software implementations.

The ORSHIN project (funded by the European Commission) is a research effort about Open-source ReSilient Hardware and software for Internet of thiNgs.